Complaints and returns

Goods purchased from our store can be returned without giving a reason. However, please notify the planned return within 24h after receiving the shipment (by e-mail or by phone). The goods must be returned within 14 days from the date of receipt of the parcel - we only accept intact goods - unworn and unwashed, with a complete set of tags.

To return the goods include three points:
1. Inform us by e-mail or telephone about your intention to return the goods - subject the e-mail to: returnand in the content provide information about the order number and the name of the returned product.
2. After receiving confirmation of the decision to return from us, prepare the shipment. In addition to the returned items, it must also include: evidence of sale, printed and completed return form, a set of tags attached to the product.
3. Fill out the refund form.
4. Send the parcel to the boutique's address with a description on the envelope - return. Remember that you have 14 days to send your return shipment.

We do not receive non-accepted returns from the mail.

The amount paid for the goods (without the price of the shipment) will be returned to you by means of a transfer to your account within 14 days from delivery of the return from the post.

If the ordered goods suffered mechanical damage during transport, please prepare a complaint report in the presence of the deliverer - this is the only form of this type of complaint we will consider!